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CME Insider's Blog Posts

Do You Know Where Your Equipment Assets Are Located?

By Cindy Juhas on March 09, 2023

Have you experienced the challenges associated with locating mobile patient monitoring or infusion equipment? Have you wanted to implement asset tracking technology (RFID) without the time or human resources to complete the task? Has your clinical engineering’s PM completion rate been artificially low or inaccurate because the team was “not servicing” items didn’t still exist on the inventory? Last year NYP’s IT Finance Department, who oversees various clinical technology teams, decided they needed an accurate inventory and a new asset tag that would allow for technology infrastructure upgrades. With nine campuses and over 130,000 recorded assets, the various teams did not have the internal hours necessary to complete the job without interruptions to operational maintenance. Being an equipment focused distributor with a heavy emphasis on related services, NYP called on CME to assist. Here are a few highlights of the project.

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Procure-to-Pay for Healthcare: 4 Ways Your Distributor Partner Can Help

By CME Corp Staff on February 23, 2023

Covid-19 has been devastating to the healthcare supply chain in many ways. Past due payments, lack of visibility, and match exceptions proliferated during the pandemic. This experience has made all of us in the supply chain look at ways to improve going forward. One of the processes that has emerged for healthcare systems is the Procure-to-Pay model. The first step is to mine all of your processes including preparing the Purchase Order (PO), confirming the ship date, receiving the product, and invoicing. Then determine gaps, redundancies, inefficiencies, best practices, and possible automation all along the way. When correctly implemented the end result should be a reduction in operating costs, improved efficiencies, better alignment with your suppliers, and supply chain resiliency. Here are four ways CME Corp can help.

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Planning, Flexibility, and Problem-Solving: The Keys to a Successful Project

By Cindy Juhas on February 15, 2023

In the spring of 2022, CME Corp was awarded an $8.7M project from the prime contractor providing Initial, Outfitting and Transition (IO&T) services, to outfit 43 U.S. Army Wellness Centers (AWC) across the U.S. The project was large, complicated, with many moving parts. Some reasons CME won the bid was their vast experience in providing Direct-to-Site delivery services under adverse conditions and their ability to be nimble.

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4 Considerations When Choosing a Point-of-Care Wall Workstation

By Capsa Staff on February 09, 2023

With many wall-mounted workstation options available today, how do facilities choose the right solution and implement successfully? Clinicians spend a large percentage of time on patient documentation, medication administration and care coordination. The right wall-mounted workstation helps caregivers simplify workflow, provides access to electronic medical records, and allows them to remain close to and interact directly with their patients.

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Healthcare Staffing Shortages: 4 Ways CME Can Help

By Cindy Juhas on January 25, 2023

One of the hangovers from the Covid-19 pandemic has certainly been labor shortages in all industries. Bloomberg reported on Jan. 18th that 2.6M people have left the workforce since Covid hit the US. Every healthcare facility has been affected by this issue and CME is here to help.

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How to Pick the Right Workstation for Your Hospital’s Nurses

By Altus on January 13, 2023

Nurses have numerous tasks to perform every shift, including keeping track of every patient on their floor. In order to perform their duties and offer the highest level of care possible, they need equipment that can improve their workflows, and are designed to prevent them from accidentally forgetting an essential piece of information.

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Two Ways CME Corp. Helps with Outfitting Pediatric Hospitals for RSV Surges

By Cindy Juhas on December 08, 2022

Hospitalizations for respiratory viruses like RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), influenza, Covid-19, and others are surging across the United States, with children under five – especially newborns and premature babies – at the most risk. More than three-quarters of the nation’s pediatric hospital beds were already full by mid-November and many hospitals are at or near capacity. Most hospitals are not prepared for this kind of surge and need to take steps in order to procure the needed equipment and get it operational quickly. Here are two ways CME can help.

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The Essentials of Patient-Centered Healthcare Furniture

By Champion Manufacturing on November 30, 2022

Medical spaces are notoriously known for being uncomfortable, restrictive, and coldly clinical. The equipment in healthcare facilities is often designed with the intent to treat patients as opposed to being aesthetically pleasing.

Champion has shifted toward patient-centered design, which emphasizes human needs and comfortable convenience. Furniture crafted with these principles in mind is more intuitive and accessible. Here’s why that’s critical to better patient outcomes and experiences, especially in an era of emerging diseases and nuanced medical needs.

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3 Ways Oakworks Ergonomic Ultrasound Tables Can Help Sonographers Avoid Injury

By Oakworks on November 15, 2022

Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMSDs) are painful injuries affecting the muscles, nerves, ligaments, and tendons of up to 90% of sonographers and other users of diagnostic medical sonography. WRMSDs develop gradually over a period of time from repeated exposure to risk factors and are among the most frequently reported cause of restricted or lost work time. WRMSDs can impose a substantial personal toll on those affected since they may no longer be able to work or perform simple personal tasks and activities of daily living. 20% of sonographers who were symptomatic suffered career-ending injuries.

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