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CME Insider's Blog Posts

3 Ways Pedigo's Space Station Saves Your OR Time & Money

By Pedigo Staff on July 13, 2022

The United States spends more on healthcare than any other nation, yet pressure is growing for healthcare organizations to reduce their costs everywhere. Hospitals are taking a hard look at lessening expenses while maintaining the quality of care by looking for ways to avoid and reduce unplanned costs. One of the main areas they are looking at is the operating room (OR), the area of the hospital that generates the most costs and revenue.

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3 Ways HIDA Helps Distributors, Manufacturers, and Healthcare Providers

By Cindy Juhas on June 16, 2022

CME Corp has been a member of the Health Industry Distributors Association (HIDA) for 40+ years and HIDA has been a great partner for us. HIDA is the national trade association for healthcare distributors. Nearly 100% of patient procedures and patient diagnoses involve medical products bought from a distributor. The members operate 500+ distribution centers, delivering medical supplies and equipment the last mile to hospitals, physician offices, nursing homes, laboratories, and home health agencies. HIDA supports and promotes distributors to be the best they can. Here are three ways HIDA has helped through the years.

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3 Ways TransMotion Stretcher-Chairs Save Healthcare Facilities Time & Money

By Champion Manufacturing on June 08, 2022

Let us review the logistics necessary to complete a procedure or operation in the healthcare setting whether it is in the hospital or in an outpatient setting. The patient is prepped in one room, on a stretcher. The patient is moved to the OR and transferred to a surgery table. After the procedure, the patient is transferred to another stretcher or recliner for the recovery period. This process requires at least two patient transfers, lifting of the patient, and multiple healthcare workers to accomplish. Using a TransMotion (TMM) Stretcher-Chair can save a facility time and money. The stretcher-chair is a transfer stretcher, surgery/procedure table, and recovery recliner all-in-one that creates a no-lift, no-transfer, safe, clean, and very efficient operating room (OR).

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Health o meter® Professional New Acute Care Scales: Adding Value to Healthcare

By Health o meter® on June 02, 2022

Acute Care facilities require their medical devices to provide certain benefits and features, and scales are no exception. Hospitals are always looking for products that improve workflow, are easy to use, keep patients and caregivers safe, and are cost-effective. When deciding on medical scales, hospitals need to take all these patient variables into consideration.

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The 3 Pillars of Better BP®

By Midmark on May 24, 2022

Of all the vital signs, blood pressure (BP) measurement has perhaps the strongest connection to point of care diagnosis, patient risk stratification and medication dosing. These critical factors of care management are essential to precise decision-making tied to better patient outcomes. Because of its centrality in care and clinical outcomes, it is essential for BP measurement to be accurate, consistent and repeatable.

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Military Appreciation Month - John Waller (USAF)

By CME Corp Staff on May 16, 2022

In honor of Military Appreciation month, we'd like to introduce you to John Waller; one of our Regional Services Managers out of our Warwick, RI Headquarters.John is currently serving in the United States Air Force and has been for the past seven years. He’s been deployed internationally to Peacetime and Wartime missions with his last being Senegal, Africa in 2021. He was deployed here to assist in COVID-19 efforts, biomedical engineering operations as well as surgery and emergency room operations.

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A Start-Up Checklist when Building a New Physical Therapy Clinic

By CME Corp Staff on May 05, 2022

Physical Therapy (PT) can be used for many health issues including pain management, improved mobility, and rehabilitation to name a few. When building a new PT clinic, it is important to know which conditions will be diagnosed and treated as well as having a checklist of all equipment available for those conditions. Dynatronics and Hausmann, leaders in high-quality restorative products, developed a comprehensive checklist to outfit your new PT clinic.

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Corepoint™ Scientific Blood Bank Refrigerators and Plasma Freezers

By American BioTech Supply on April 12, 2022

Blood is central to life. And since blood cannot be manufactured or produced, donors are fully relied upon to supply and sustain blood reserves. But once blood is acquired, how is it stored? This core question is being re-examined in the medical world as questions surface surrounding the safety and preservation ability of blood storage equipment. Blood storage certainly deserves a closer look.

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Three Ways CME Can Support New Equipment Biomedical Check-In’s

By Cindy Juhas on April 07, 2022

Opening a new medical facility on-time is always challenging. An MCD (Medical Construction & Design) survey in 2018 said that less than 50% of all projects open on time. If we did that poll today, it would even be less, given all the supply chain delays. One common problem when opening any healthcare facility is completing all the biomedical asset-tagging and ESIs (Electrical Safety Inspections) required in a timely fashion. These biomedical check-ins cannot happen until items are delivered and installed in rooms, which is typically near the end of the project. New healthcare facilities have anywhere from 1,000-4,000 pieces of new equipment that require biomedical attention.

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