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CME Insider's Blog Posts

Medical Construction Projects: Procuring Division 11 Equipment

By CME Corp Staff on Mar 19, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Medical facilities are specialized environments with unique design requirements and operational considerations. Identifying and procuring Division 11 equipment for these essential facilities during the design and development phase of the construction project is a top priority so details like structural supports, plumbing, and hard-wired electrical connections are incorporated into the architectural drawings from the beginning.

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Maximize the Efficiency of Healthcare Storage Now and Tomorrow

By InterMetro Industries Corporation on Mar 12, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Healthcare needs are constantly changing. As technology evolves and new medications and treatment protocols arise, supply and storage needs will change.

But what doesn’t change often enough? Storage spaces.

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Ensuring Safety: Fume Hood Installation Best Practices Checklist

By CME Corp Staff on Mar 5, 2024 8:30:00 AM

Fume hoods play a vital role in protecting laboratory personnel from exposure to hazardous substances. Proper installation of laboratory fume hoods is necessary to ensuring the safety and efficiency of laboratory operations as well as compliance with standards and regulations.

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How Biomedical Technicians Keep Retail Health Clinics Running

By CME Corp Staff on Feb 27, 2024 7:59:00 AM

Biomedical technicians (BMET) play a critical role in ensuring the smooth operation of the retail health clinics located in pharmacies or retail stores. Their proactive approach to the installation, maintenance, and repair of medical equipment used in retail health clinics ensures healthcare professionals are equipped to deliver care to their patients accurately and efficiently.

This article will explore the specific ways biomedical technicians contribute to keeping retail health clinics running.

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Increasing Patient Comfort: A Guide to Medical Warming Cabinets

By CME Corp Staff on Feb 20, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Medical warming cabinets play a vital role in helping increase patient comfort by warming blankets and medical fluids used during care. This guide will provide valuable insights into the types of warming cabinets available to the healthcare market as well as factors and features to consider before purchasing a warming cabinet.

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Using Weighing Scales for Therapeutic Blood Drawing Procedures

By Detecto on Feb 13, 2024 7:45:00 AM

Therapeutic phlebotomy, a controlled blood removal process, is an effective treatment for various medical conditions including hemochromatosis, fatty liver disease, and polycythemia vera. This procedure aims to reduce blood volume, red cell mass, and iron levels in patients.

The use of a scale for this procedure is essential.

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Keeping Patients Safe: A Complete Review of Patient Alarms

By CME Corp Staff on Feb 6, 2024 12:15:00 PM

Hospitals and long-term care facilities are entrusted with the care of people who cannot care for themselves for one reason or another. In a perfect world the ratio of caregivers to patients would be one-to-one. But the world is not perfect.

Caregivers care for multiple patients including some who should not reposition themselves without assistance. To help monitor all patients, even when attending a single patient, staff rely on patient alarms.

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Medical Equipment Planning and Group 1 Medical Equipment

By CME Corp Staff on Jan 31, 2024 7:45:00 AM

It is no secret the medical equipment sales process can be long and complex. Planning equipment purchases for timely delivery is important for healthcare facilities, like hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers, who work to maintain high quality patient care.

But what about planning capital medical equipment purchases for new hospital construction or renovation projects? When should discussions around medical equipment begin?

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Checklist for Joint Commission Inspections of Medical Equipment

By CME Corp Staff on Jan 23, 2024 12:30:00 PM

The Joint Commission (TJC) is the oldest medical standards regulatory agency in the United States making and maintaining accreditation by TJC highly esteemed and sought after by healthcare organizations. To maintain accreditation, healthcare facilities are inspected at least once every three years to ensure that TJC standards are continuously being met.

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