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5 Reasons You Need an Equipment-Focused Distributor for your Medical Office Project

By CME Corp Staff | August 3, 2016

Procuring all the different equipment items required to outfit a new construction, expansion, or remodeling project can be a daunting and stressful task.  That is why using an experienced equipment-focused distributor is essential for opening your new medical office on-time and in a cost-efficient manner.

A medical equipment-focused distributor, like CME with over thirty years of experience, can help avoid problems that lead to cost overruns and delays.

Using an equipment-focused distributor like CME can help avoid difficulties such as:

  1. Paying more than you should - By only cutting one PO instead of individual POs to each manufacturer, you can reduce transaction costs. Minimize your delivery challenges by utilizing services such as our Direct-to-Site delivery program, which includes receiving, inspecting, storing, staging, assembling, delivering of the products to the room, setting up, and removing the packing materials.  

    Using an outside warehouse and other service providers to do these jobs can add extra costs. However, with the help of our medical equipment specialists, you can get the right equipment with the features you need and avoid paying more for equipment with the features you will never use.

  2. Delivery delays due to of lack of tracking - When the order is placed, CME follows up to make sure the order is received, processed, and that the product is shipped in a timely manner.

    We then track the shipments and received the items in our warehouse so we can delivery them to your location.  We also follow up on back-ordered items and suggest appropriate substitutions if they will not be received on-time.
  3. Unrecognized product damage during shipment - We receive, open and inspect the products to assure freedom from damage.  We take care of all insurance claims and replace all damaged items. 

  4. Delivery to wrong site, at the wrong time or with the wrong vehicle - We store, stage, assemble, and set up equipment prior to delivery as part of our Direct-to-Site delivery program.

    We also work with your staff to assure that deliveries are scheduled to avoid peak work flow periods for existing offices.  We are also aware that most medical offices and clinics are not able to accommodate large delivery trucks, so we will use a vehicle of proper size and function to meet your needs.

  5. Inadequate orientation and training on the equipment - Your staff may not be familiar with all the functions of the equipment being delivered.  We make sure that they fully understand the operation of the equipment being received and are comfortable using it.

    We do so by ensuring that reps from our manufacturer partners provide your staff with the proper training when needed.

From the start of the equipment research process, through the delivery and setup of equipment, to the training for use and removal of shipping materials, CME provides the answer for all these issues. Our direct-to-site services provide our customers with a streamlined process for their medical equipment and delivery needs.

Knowing the advantages of these services will help you save time and money as you work hard to build a successful healthcare facility, be it a hospital, ambulatory surgery center, multi-specialty clinic or medical office.  For more information, please visit our website or contact us at (800) 338-2372.

5 Areas of Pain: In Blog

About CME: CME Corp is the nation’s premier source for healthcare equipment, turnkey logistics, and biomedical services, representing 2 million+ products from more than 2,000 manufacturers.

With two corporate offices and 35+ service centers, our mission is to help healthcare facilities nationwide reduce the cost of the equipment they purchase, make their equipment specification, delivery, installation, and maintenance processes more efficient, and help them seamlessly launch, renovate and expand on schedule.

Supply Chain Management Direct-to-Site Delivery Capital Medical Equipment Hospital Systems/IDNs

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