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Five Key Planners You Need for Your New Medical Facility Project

By CME Corp Staff | September 2, 2015

Healthcare facilities are a vital resource to a community that serves a wide range of patients during times of illness or injury.  To serve these patients properly, a medical facility must be well designed, safe and resourceful.  If you are currently renovating or building a new hospital here are five key planners who can help the development of your building move smoothly, be effective and profitable.

Space Planners- Hospitals are one of the most complex of building types because each hospital is comprised of multiple units that offer a huge variety of services and equipment.  Space Planners are an essential tool during this process because the design of a facility can have a significant impact on the health and safety of employees, patients, and their families.  The responsibilities of the Space Planner include: the development and execution of a functional design strategy and optimization of space resources across the medical facility.

Medical Equipment Planners- An equipment planner works closely with the hospital administration, project manager and other planners to plan the purchase, delivery and proper installation of your medical equipment into the new building.  A medical equipment planner should know the industry equipment needs and availability and to act as the key resource for information on the most appropriate equipment items for your new facility.

Project Planners- The Project Planner’s main objective is to oversee and direct the project’s progression.  This includes: coordinating the details of the project, creating a plan for executing the project and then ensuring all involved are communicating and completing their assigned tasks according to schedule.  They will help make sure your new facility is up and running efficiently by the set deadline.

Transition Planner- When moving from one location to another, the transition into your new facility can be stressful for everyone involved.  The new changes to the hospital’s physical environment can hurt the operational flow within.  Hospital transition planning services can help provide a positive delivery of patient care on the first day of occupancy and proper care of patients up until the last day in the old facility.  Having qualified transition planners on your team is important to handle the logistics of the move to make it seamless.

Financial Planner- A certified financial planner plays a very crucial role in the construction of a new medical facility.  They can advise clients on the best means to save, invest, and grow their assets.  This planner will find ways for the hospital to increase its net worth and counsel on risk management.  To sum it up, they can help you decide what to do with your money.

Having these five key planners on your team during construction of your new medical facility will make everyone’s job easier.  CME Corp enjoys working closely with these planners during these complex projects to make it easier on you.

Our medical equipment specialists can work with your five key planners to remove the difficulties related to equipment procurement, delivery, and installation for your new construction, expansion, or remodeling project.

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About CME: CME Corp is the nation’s premier source for healthcare equipment, turnkey logistics, and biomedical services, representing 2 million+ products from more than 2,000 manufacturers.

With two corporate offices and 35+ service centers, our mission is to help healthcare facilities nationwide reduce the cost of the equipment they purchase, make their equipment specification, delivery, installation, and maintenance processes more efficient, and help them seamlessly launch, renovate and expand on schedule.

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