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Two Ways CME Corp. Helps with Outfitting Pediatric Hospitals for RSV Surges

By Cindy Juhas | December 8, 2022

Hospitalizations for respiratory viruses like RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), influenza, Covid-19, and others are surging across the United States, with children under five – especially newborns and premature babies – at the most risk. More than three-quarters of the nation’s pediatric hospital beds were already full by mid-November and many hospitals are at or near capacity. Most hospitals are not prepared for this kind of surge and need to take steps in order to procure the needed equipment and get it operational quickly. Here are two ways CME can help.

Procuring the Right Equipment Fast

Healthcare equipment supply chains continue to be fragile and are still reeling from the Covid-19 surge. CME Account Managers are equipment specialists that know what equipment is readily available and can collaborate with hospital supply chains to get them what they need fast. Here is a brief list of items CME has been providing to pediatric departments recently: 

Direct-to-Site Delivery Services

With labor shortages affecting most of the healthcare systems, especially in the facilities department, it is not always easy or economical to have the hospital staff assemble and deliver equipment to the end-user. CME is known for providing white-glove, direct-to-site delivery services. CME receives ordered items at our service centers, then stages, assembles and delivers them directly to the rooms. This expedites the process and saves the facility time and money.

CME Corp (CME) is collaborating with supply chains across the country on providing the above equipment and getting it operational rapidly. CME is an equipment distributor that offers over 2,000,000 items from over 2000 manufacturers including a full array of advanced disinfection products. CME focuses only on equipment and can help the supply chain with viable solutions during this surge. Please call your CME account manager or visit us at www.cmecorp.com.

About CME: CME Corp is a full-service healthcare equipment and turn-key logistics company providing personalized support and service. With service centers nationwide, CME offers more than two million medical products from a total of over 2,000 manufacturers. CME is a healthcare system's complete equipment solution by providing product selection, sales, warehousing, assembly, staging, direct-to-site delivery, installation, and biomedical services for all its equipment.


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