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5 Benefits of Automated Ultrasound Probe Disinfection

Written by Nanosonics | May 14, 2024

It’s a scene that clinicians and healthcare professionals know all too well: a busy floor experiencing staff shortages, training new team members, meeting the diverse needs of patients while trying to maintain consistent SOPs and accurate documentation… and then an auditor from The Joint Commission (TJC) walks in for a survey… In an environment in which the time and attention of each clinician is at a premium, while competing priorities pull them constantly in different directions, an automated disinfection workflow can help address some common pain points.

With the growing use and application of ultrasound imaging technology, the FDA, CDC, federal and international organizations, and TJC all utilize Spaulding Classification to determine appropriate levels of disinfection for reusable medical devices. A probe contacting non-intact skin, mucous membrane, sterile tissue or bloodstream requires high level disinfection (HLD).

Automated and enclosed ultrasound probe HLD such as trophon® technology, offers 5 key benefits to healthcare providers and the patients they serve.


Benefits of Automated Disinfection

Improved Efficiency & Productivity:

A 2013 Ochsner study1 found that utilizing an automated HLD system for probe HLD could save an average of 7.5 hours per week when compared to previous manual methods. Variables that contributed to time savings included:

  • less hands-on time needed by the staff
  • disinfection could occur at point of use - even with a patient present - since the system is fully enclosed, meaning no need to transport probes to another room
  • less PPE is required (gloves only)
Enhanced Accuracy & Consistency:

By removing manual steps from a disinfection process, and instead opting for automation, clinicians can reduce opportunity for human error or inconsistency between disinfection cycles. An automated system can control multiple variables otherwise subject to human error such as:

  • temperature
  • chemical concentration and dose
  • chemical contact time
  • documentation gaps
  • inconsistent execution across users and departments
  • inconsistent user training or experience levels

Confidence in the accuracy and efficacy of a disinfection cycle (every time), also promotes patient safety and mitigates the risks of cross-contamination or introducing a healthcare-acquired infection (HAI).

Improved Compliance:

“[Manual reprocessing] was a bit of a nightmare. It was challenging to meet the requirements from The Joint Commission when manually keeping track of test strips, expiration dates, soaking times, etc.” Ron McKee – MBA, BSMI, RDMS, RVT, EMT System Administrative Officer, MUSC Health, Imaging

An HLD solution that automates the process and the documentation of that cycle data can support an organization’s audit-readiness and compliance to established SOPs.

Scalable & Standardized:

Automation simplifies and streamlines the steps which require input from clinicians. The simpler the workflow, the easier it is to scale across a department, facility or health system. A standardized workflow also empowers staff, without the administrative burden of hands-on user competency training for multiple SOPs.

Improved & Safer User Experience:

Multiple studies illustrate the risks associated with manual reprocessing, including a high-risk of chemical exposure,2-6 as users must manually prepare the chemical, reprocess the probe, and dispose of the waste once the chemistry expires. An automated, enclosed disinfection system removes manual handling or direct contact with chemicals, ensuring a safe disinfection process without the need for extensive PPE, ventilation requirements, washing stations, and direct exposure to hazardous waste.

The 2013 Ochsner study concluded that the adoption of an automated HLD system was viewed to be easier and safer to use than the manual system and led to higher satisfaction among sonographers.1

 Shop CME for the trophon®2 device.


Automation Disinfection is supported by guidelines and studies

These benefits of automation are also echoed and endorsed by numerous organizations and guidelines. The CDC recognizes automated reprocessing of reusable medical devices has advantages over manual methods, including standardization, reproducibility and reducing the likelihood essential steps will be skipped.7 The Society of Diagnostic and Medical Sonography states that “Automated processes are preferable due to the reduced risk of operator error.”8 The ECRI Institute notes automated HLD ultrasound probe reprocessors have advantages over manual methods, including ease of use, improved disinfection efficacy and improved chemical safety.9


Click CHAT to talk with a CME medical equipment expert about your automated disinfection needs. As a nationally recognized medical equipment distributor we have built relationships with Nanosonics as well as many other industry leading manufacturers of medical equipment and devices. We can help you choose disinfection equipment best suited to your needs and budget.


1. Johnson S et al. J Ultrasound Med 2013; 32:1799–1804.
2. Fujita H et al. J Occup Health 2016; 48(6):413-6.
3. Sokol WN, J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004; 114(2):392-7.
4. Cooper DE et al. J Endocrinol 2008; 22(9):2181-2184.
5. Ackerman SB et al. J In Vitro FertEmbryo Transf 1985; 2(3):132-7.
6. Lawson CC, et al. Am J ObstetGynecol. 2012;206:327.e1-8.
7. CDC 2008. Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities
8. SDMS rev. 2020. Guidelines for infection prevention and control in sonography: Reprocessing the Ultrasound Transducer.
9.ECRI Institute 2018. Cleaning and Disinfecting Diagnostic Ultrasound Transducers: Our Recommendations.

About Nanosonics: Nanosonics is an infection prevention company and the manufacturer of trophon® devices – the globally recognized standard of care and industry leader for automated ultrasound probe high level disinfection. The company was founded with the mission to improve the safety of patients, clinicians and the environment through cutting-edge technology

About CME: CME Corp is the nation’s premier source for healthcare equipmentturnkey logistics, and biomedical services, representing 2 million+ products from more than 2,000 manufacturers. With two corporate offices and 35+ service centers, our mission is to help healthcare facilities nationwide reduce the cost of the equipment they purchase, make their equipment specification, delivery, installation, and maintenance processes more efficient, and help them seamlessly launch, renovate and expand on schedule.